If you want fiber broadband service from Bertram you must create an account through the online signup portal at https://signup.gobertram.com/ . Once you set up an account, you must log in to https://billing.gobertram.com to complete the right of entry and service agreement. This allows access by Bertram to your property, where they will bury your fiber optic cable from the roadway to your premise(s). Under terms of the broadband grant, installation costs are not charged to the property owner for installations 300ft and under from the right of way to the home. This no-cost installation offer is only available for the grant period, which is set to close at the end of November 2024. Waiting to get on the installation list later could result in thousands of dollars or more installation costs.
*Please note that at this time, we are not taking signups on the phone due to the influx of signups. Please complete the form. After you complete the form, you must sign in with the credentials you created during the signup process. When you log in, you can sign the right of entry agreement. Once this has been completed, the installation crew will reach out to you when the installations are scheduled. You will receive the project updates via email. If you need help signing up or do not have internet access, you can stop at the Bertram Office in Baileys Harbor or the Town Hall to complete the form on a device provided at these locations.